Google, earlier this week revealed the Android 6.0 'Marshmallow' name and released the Android M Developer Preview 3 images for Nexus devices. Until now, Nexus users were the only ones who could experience the new Google Now launcher that ships with latest preview of Android 6.0 Marshmallow . Now, non-Nexus users can now also experience the new Google Now launcher on their devices as its apk file has reached the Web. The new Google Now launcher, which has been extracted from the Google's latest Android M Developer Preview 3 , however, does not come with all its features just yet, and to make the most of the launcher, users would need to run the complete preview ROM on their devices. The Google Now launcher for Android 6.0 Marshmallow comes with nine wallpapers meant for Android 6.0, featuring landscapes and vector graphics. To install the Google Now launcher for Android 6.0 Marshmallow launcher apk, users would have to navigate to the...
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