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Understanding QR Codes/ QR kodlarini anlamak ve hakkinda hersey

Understanding QR Codes This is a very comprehensive QR Code Primer that will provide you with a solid understanding of the technology – book mark it for future reference. Drive mobile traffic using QR Codes The idea of digitally connecting consumers of your paper-based content to the internet is a powerful concept. If you find this interesting read on. I’ll take you through a little history, what they are and how they are being used (with examples). I’ll finish up with a technical discussion that will provide you with a solid understanding of how the technology works. Quick Response Codes (QR) were developed by Denso Wave in 1994, and are now an ISO standard. They are in widespread use in Asia, have made great inroads in Europe, and are just starting to be used in the United States. The QR code reader technology ships with most cell phones in Asia, but this is not the case in the US. Consumers currently have to down load third-party applications to decode...